Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Our House

 I started this blog a year ago and haven't done anything with it!  That's about to change.  It was a combination of fear and being busy that kept me from posting, but honestly with the number of blogs I read I really should have my own!

Our house was built in 1922 and we've been living here for almost a year.  Here are some iPhone photos of our little house.

 ^^This was taken before we bought the house.  One of the first things we did was take out that giant bush.

 ^^ Our back patio (and Maverick).
 ^^ We have a hammock in our backyard!  Perfect for naps and reading.
 ^^ Our tiny living room when we first moved in.  We've painted the living room since this was taken.

 ^^Bed head!
 ^^ I love how our house looks in the snow.  So adorable!

 ^^ Steven was going to build bookshelves for me for Christmas.  When he pulled up the carpet, we found wood floors! 
 ^^ We chose to sand and stain the wood floors instead of building the bookshelves.  We spent the week between Christmas and New Year's working on the floor in our bedroom.

 ^^ The floors in our bedroom!

 ^^ We moved in in July and so I didn't know what color the irises were.  I was so excited when I found out this spring that they are white!

 ^^ We added a new member to our family.  Charlie was living under our house until we adopted him.  As you can see, he's kind of a mess.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Recently I was reading a book and it said, "What did you like to do when you were a child?  What you enjoyed as a ten-year-old is probably something you'd enjoy now."

What did I like to do as a child?

I spent hours writing in my journal (I kept a journal from 6th grade until the end of high school).  I read and reread interior design magazines, carefully tore out pages, and put them in a folder.  I painted my room a couple of times by myself and had my mom help me sew brightly colored pillows. 

As an adult, I love reading home design and DIY blogs.  I spend way too much time on Pinterest pinning ideas for my current and future home.  I have a couple of years worth of Domino magazine on my shelves.

For quite a while, I've been mulling over the idea of starting my own blog. 

I've been squashing down self-doubt and insecurity and finally decided to just go for it.  I'm excited and also a little terrified.  This will be my place to share inspiration I find, projects I attempt, and adventures that happen in our little soon-to-be home.